Severance is a Gothic Rock band strongly influenced by the dark 80s New Wave and Post-Punk acts. Severance has shared the stage with great bands like Two Witches, The Beauty Of Gemina, Christian Death, Spiritual Front, NU:N, Giant Waves, Trouble Fait´ and proudly played on the main stage at Lumous Gothic Festival 2017 (Tampere, Finland).
Severance from Mexico brought their debut album “Tresholds” in Februari 2017. They released some singles before the dubut album was out with the songs “The Day That The Sun Never Sets” in Februari 2015 and “The Hallway” in April 2015. “The Curse On You” in May 2016 and “New Cult” in November 2016.
Let’s shake, rattle and roll…

How did you came up with the name Severance?
Well, we were looking for some word that mean something powerful to us and when we found the word Severance we instantly think thats it, a change, a new beginning that is Severance for us.
Which bands or artist have affected you the most so far?
The Cult, Iggy Pop, Mission, Sisters, Fields Of The Nephilim, Blitz, Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds.
What are your song’s about and do you hold back things you would like to scream out or you just go for it?
Severance lyrics are about to let my diablos out of me so i can continue trying to live.
Have you ever been in other bands before?
Yeah we all had different projects before, Silver Fox, Hugoth and myself used to play in Hardcore and Punk bands when we were younger, Hugo still play in a Punk band, Marco used to play in a Alternative Rock band.
Would you like to start an other band or project alone or with others? In which genre?
Not now really.
Which kind of music do you like also? Any guilty pleasures you wanne share with us?
We all listen different kind of music, personally im a fan of T-Rex, New York Dolls, Elvis you know. I cant call them guilty but sometimes i listen to Erasure driving my car.
Which instruments do you play and which instruments would you like to learn to play?
Silver Fox plays bass and some piano as well as the guitar he is very talented guy, Hugoth also plays guitar and some synths, Marco plays guitar and many other percussions, i feel very lucky this guys are awesome musicians. Myself, i would like to learn to play piano someday.
How is the atmosphere in Mexico for a band like yours to perform your show?
In Mexico City is great, many venues and bars supporting goth acts, many Djs, we love El Real Under and Foro Bizarro, is a very cool venue for example. We played there a show opening for The Beauty of gemina, we played at El Real Under (World Goth Day 2017). Here in Monterrey is a smaller scene but things are getting better thanks to Djs like Julio Laudano he is programming more Goth Rock lately and that make us very happy and better dancers i think.
Are you more inspired during the day or during the night to write lyrics and make music?
Carlo Silver Fox use to write his guitars at 3am i dunno why, i write lyrics when something comes to my mind.
Are you working on a new album we can expect soon?
Yeah we are writing new music for our second album on Deepland Records Brazil, you can expect some new music maybe for October 2017.
If it was up to you would you like to release music on cd’s, vinyl or cassette and why?
We would like to release our music in all formats, would be great.
People that don’t know Deathrock, Goth or Punk are kind of scared from it or have a weird vision on it, how do you think they come to such a way of thinking?
Maybe for the same reasong i´m kinda scared of them.
Who you would like to direct and shoot the music video’s if you could choose?
We would like to direct and shoot for ourseleves the rest of tracks from our debut album Thresholds, but Stuart Gordon i wouldnt mind lol.
Any artist who you like to collaborate with for the cover of your music album?
I´m thinking about the work of Anahid Hernandez lately, she is a very talented artist from Monterrey, Mexico.
How is it going on stage and what was the most memorabele night and why?
I can say for the rest of the guys that we really enjoy been on stage, when the engeneer has made a good work we feel very confortable there, The most memorabele night… Lumous Gothic Festival Finland 2017 was awesome, very nice people there and very professional organization, we love it.
With which bands would you like to go on tour?
What about Mr Wayne Hussey and The Mission, haha.
In which country would you like to play when you are on tour and do you rather like to play for a small audience or big audience and festivals or in a club?
We would love to play in Poland, Germany and UK, about audience we love to play both.
What are you personal thoughts on our subculture these day’s? What would you like to see diffrently or do you prefer that it stay like it is?
We would like to have more Gothic Rock on festivals, more Nosferatu, more Faces Of Sarah you know.
Tell us your most beautiful dream or the worst nightmare you had?
The most beautiful dream… i dreamed once that i had a Gretsch Falcon Guitar in my room.
If you could dress a famous person to your personal taste who would you pick and how would you dress that person?
Famous… I thought about Nick Cave but he already has a very good taste in suits.
Do you see dancing shadows at night that whisper melodies in your ear?
Not really.
Interview by Sophi Katz