Martyr Whore

Martyr Whore is a French goth / post-punkband and they saw the light as a band in the mid 90’s. Playing deathrock a la Christian Death’s original style. In 1995 they released an album entitled “Roseydolvelt Ballet” on Germany´s Apollyon label, home of bands like The Last Dance, Engelsstaub, Ikon and Madre Del Vizio. A second album was planned to be released in 1996 but that never happened. Then, in 2002, they put out a self-released album with the 1996’s original recordings entitled “The Blue Coresh Nietzsche Malsaine”. In 2017 they released the album “SS SATAN” as a limited edition.

Catch them while you can live in Poland at Return To The Batcave festival 2017. A line up with many other good bands, classics and newer bands.

Let’s shake, rattle and roll…

Lloyd Amant: vocals, bass
Hendrick Gerace: guitar
David Boniol: drums

How did you came up with the name Martyr Whore?

We wanted to create an anti-sect, anti christianity band when we listened the first time to Christian Death’s only theatre of pain. We wanted an virgin art without christianity value. Martyr and his opposite whore (we use to listen to the first album of Hole, Teenage Whore)

Which bands or artist have affected you the most so far?

Nietzsche, Christian Death and Rozz Williams Shadow project. Super Heroines, 45 graves, Sex Pistols, The Adverts, Sister of Mercy, Joy Division, The Cure, New Model Army, My Bloody Valentine, Mephisto Walz, Mortal Coil, Kurt Cobain, The Smiths, Fear Cult, Black Sabbath, Jimmy Hendrix, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Gainsbourg, Beethoven, Bizet, Chopin, Siouxie And The Banshees, The Ramones, Rosetta Stone, The Doors, Velvelt Underground, Das ich, Ministry…

What are your song’s about and do you hold back things you would like to scream out or you just go for it?

The first album in the 90’s songs were about a delirium tremens and death of reality, death of appearences. Edgar Poe’s delirium tremens Ligeia necrophily romance. God is dead, i am crying my dead god. Nihilism, no future in this way. The second album blue Koresh Nietzsche Malsaine songs were about David Koresh and his sect in Waco. The Manson family (Susan on Blair) apocalypse 19. Gitane Monroe Nietzsche’s law against christianity.

Have you ever been in other bands before?


Would you like to start an other band or project alone or with others? In which genre?

Martyr Whore is enough actually. Deathrock for ever but new projects in occasion…to make money in punk, techno, electro, rap, black, metal, disco, rock’n’roll, dj scrach ….yeah why not….

Which kind of music do you like more? Any guilty pleasures you wanne share with us?

Antique music, Haendel.

Which instruments do you play and which instruments would you like to learn to play?

I play guitar and bass. I wish i could play the harp.

How is the atmosphere in France for a band like yours to perform your show?

Impossible. In France deathrock do not exist. So we don’t even try to perform in France. Metal rules in France, too many superficial batcave bands production made metal the king of France. Also Rap music got his crown, techno, elctro and graphist band.

Are you more inspired during the day or during the night to write lyrics and make music?

Anytime while i make love…

Are you working on a new album we can expect soon?

We record “SS SATAN” our last album in auto prod April 2017, weak production but great tracks as Living Dead, Harley Quinn, Cesare Borgia, Jason Vorhees, The Devils Renaissance, The birth of Tragedy, Henri Heine Hard, Harry Festen, Yarbles Witches…

If it was up to you would you like to release music on cd’s, vinyl or cassette and why?

Vinyl is the best, cassette why not ? Cd’s yeah.

People that don’t know Deathrock, Goth or Punk are kind of scared from it or have a weird vision on it, how do you think they come to such a way of thinking?

Rozz williams did not get so famous in the biginning of the 90’s, he was in the underground music at the end of the 90’s. Indus goth metal music rules as Nine inch nails, Marylin Manson, Rammstein, Korn, Linkin Park, Marylin Manson took the crown of Rozz williams. Rozz Williams have been cruxified by his own friends and finished in gossip goth as a junky gay without talent. Deathrock bands must get attention from indus goth bands, sometimes they are good for us as Fear Cult sometimes they destroy us as Marilyn Manson.

Who you would like to direct and shoot the music video’s if you could choose?

Christian Death’s only theatre of pain. It’s a shame there are no music video. Shadow Project.

Any artist who you like to collaborate with for the cover of your music album?

Johnny Rotten, Nina hagen, Mazzy Star Valor, Ennio Morricone, Siouxie, Eva O, Skrillex, Mr oizo, Dopplereffeckt, Japanese Telecom and these one is tricky, Charles Manson if he ’s still alive.

How is it going on stage and what was the most memorabele night and why?

Martyr Whore on stage in Madrid ’95 festival (mise noire). In the line up, Mephisto Walz, cannot describe, ‘as a lady orgasm multiply times by 100000000000000’. This night was a big surprise cause we were not programmed in the line up in Madrid, we were the surprise of this festival and people were hysteric cause we were that thing they didn’t expected, a new breath, anti christianity, dionysos, orgy, Nietzsche’s interpretation by a French n****. It was quite new with deathrock (Christian Death, only theatre of pain)

With which bands would you like to go on tour?

Any band which offer us to share a big tour with a lot of dates and we sign immediatly with them.

In which country would you like to play when you are on tour and do you rather like to play for a small audience or big audience and festivals or in a club?

Deathrock in Brazil is ok, Spain, Italy, California, Los Angeles sure. Big Audience, in the hell of a fest or in a Club, why not.

What are you personal thoughts on our subculture these day’s? What would you like to see diffrently or do you prefer that it stay like it is?

Subculture with new media as facebook, myspace, youtube ???? Graphic designers still rules as commercial sport music, it’s good and bad for the war inside subculture. Mtv is dead. People in France do not want to hear about culture as Hanns Johst in Schlageter. They like their job and distraction and the way they sleep. I do not want change. When i see a stupid guy or a stupid girl i hope he or she is gonna be more stupid or more human.

Tell us your most beautiful dream or the worst nightmare you had?

My most beautiful dream, i watched Nietzsche dancing. My worst nightmare, Lyon a french city….no music…no art….just cash and convictions rules… in a colony.

If you could dress a famous person to your personal taste who would you pick and how would you dress that person?

Justin Bieber in Angela Merkel underwear. Macron the new French president dressed in officer Stalline clothes.

Do you see dancing shadows at night that whisper melodies in your ear?

No sorry, no dancing shadows but sleepwalkers, walking on Rozz his voices….have to talk to my doctor called Nietzsche.

Interview by Sophi Katz

Martyr Whore

Martyr Whore is a French goth / post-punkband and they saw the light as a band in the mid 90’s. Playing deathrock a la Christian Death’s original style. In 1995 they released an album entitled “Roseydolvelt Ballet” on Germany´s Apollyon label, home of bands like The Last Dance, Engelsstaub, Ikon and Madre Del Vizio. A second album was planned to be released in 1996 but that never happened. Then, in 2002, they put out a self-released album with the 1996’s original recordings entitled “The Blue Coresh Nietzsche Malsaine”. In 2017 they released the album “SS SATAN” as a limited edition.

Catch them while you can live in Poland at Return To The Batcave festival 2017. A line up with many other good bands, classics and newer bands.

Let’s shake, rattle and roll…

Lloyd Amant: vocals, bass
Hendrick Gerace: guitar
David Boniol: drums

How did you came up with the name Martyr Whore?

We wanted to create an anti-sect, anti christianity band when we listened the first time to Christian Death’s only theatre of pain. We wanted an virgin art without christianity value. Martyr and his opposite whore (we use to listen to the first album of Hole, Teenage Whore)

Which bands or artist have affected you the most so far?

Nietzsche, Christian Death and Rozz Williams Shadow project. Super Heroines, 45 graves, Sex Pistols, The Adverts, Sister of Mercy, Joy Division, The Cure, New Model Army, My Bloody Valentine, Mephisto Walz, Mortal Coil, Kurt Cobain, The Smiths, Fear Cult, Black Sabbath, Jimmy Hendrix, Sepultura, Cannibal Corpse, Gainsbourg, Beethoven, Bizet, Chopin, Siouxie And The Banshees, The Ramones, Rosetta Stone, The Doors, Velvelt Underground, Das ich, Ministry…

What are your song’s about and do you hold back things you would like to scream out or you just go for it?

The first album in the 90’s songs were about a delirium tremens and death of reality, death of appearences. Edgar Poe’s delirium tremens Ligeia necrophily romance. God is dead, i am crying my dead god. Nihilism, no future in this way. The second album blue Koresh Nietzsche Malsaine songs were about David Koresh and his sect in Waco. The Manson family (Susan on Blair) apocalypse 19. Gitane Monroe Nietzsche’s law against christianity.

Have you ever been in other bands before?


Would you like to start an other band or project alone or with others? In which genre?

Martyr Whore is enough actually. Deathrock for ever but new projects in occasion…to make money in punk, techno, electro, rap, black, metal, disco, rock’n’roll, dj scrach ….yeah why not….

Which kind of music do you like more? Any guilty pleasures you wanne share with us?

Antique music, Haendel.

Which instruments do you play and which instruments would you like to learn to play?

I play guitar and bass. I wish i could play the harp.

How is the atmosphere in France for a band like yours to perform your show?

Impossible. In France deathrock do not exist. So we don’t even try to perform in France. Metal rules in France, too many superficial batcave bands production made metal the king of France. Also Rap music got his crown, techno, elctro and graphist band.

Are you more inspired during the day or during the night to write lyrics and make music?

Anytime while i make love…

Are you working on a new album we can expect soon?

We record “SS SATAN” our last album in auto prod April 2017, weak production but great tracks as Living Dead, Harley Quinn, Cesare Borgia, Jason Vorhees, The Devils Renaissance, The birth of Tragedy, Henri Heine Hard, Harry Festen, Yarbles Witches…

If it was up to you would you like to release music on cd’s, vinyl or cassette and why?

Vinyl is the best, cassette why not ? Cd’s yeah.

People that don’t know Deathrock, Goth or Punk are kind of scared from it or have a weird vision on it, how do you think they come to such a way of thinking?

Rozz williams did not get so famous in the biginning of the 90’s, he was in the underground music at the end of the 90’s. Indus goth metal music rules as Nine inch nails, Marylin Manson, Rammstein, Korn, Linkin Park, Marylin Manson took the crown of Rozz williams. Rozz Williams have been cruxified by his own friends and finished in gossip goth as a junky gay without talent. Deathrock bands must get attention from indus goth bands, sometimes they are good for us as Fear Cult sometimes they destroy us as Marilyn Manson.

Who you would like to direct and shoot the music video’s if you could choose?

Christian Death’s only theatre of pain. It’s a shame there are no music video. Shadow Project.

Any artist who you like to collaborate with for the cover of your music album?

Johnny Rotten, Nina hagen, Mazzy Star Valor, Ennio Morricone, Siouxie, Eva O, Skrillex, Mr oizo, Dopplereffeckt, Japanese Telecom and these one is tricky, Charles Manson if he ’s still alive.

How is it going on stage and what was the most memorabele night and why?

Martyr Whore on stage in Madrid ’95 festival (mise noire). In the line up, Mephisto Walz, cannot describe, ‘as a lady orgasm multiply times by 100000000000000’. This night was a big surprise cause we were not programmed in the line up in Madrid, we were the surprise of this festival and people were hysteric cause we were that thing they didn’t expected, a new breath, anti christianity, dionysos, orgy, Nietzsche’s interpretation by a French n****. It was quite new with deathrock (Christian Death, only theatre of pain)

With which bands would you like to go on tour?

Any band which offer us to share a big tour with a lot of dates and we sign immediatly with them.

In which country would you like to play when you are on tour and do you rather like to play for a small audience or big audience and festivals or in a club?

Deathrock in Brazil is ok, Spain, Italy, California, Los Angeles sure. Big Audience, in the hell of a fest or in a Club, why not.

What are you personal thoughts on our subculture these day’s? What would you like to see diffrently or do you prefer that it stay like it is?

Subculture with new media as facebook, myspace, youtube ???? Graphic designers still rules as commercial sport music, it’s good and bad for the war inside subculture. Mtv is dead. People in France do not want to hear about culture as Hanns Johst in Schlageter. They like their job and distraction and the way they sleep. I do not want change. When i see a stupid guy or a stupid girl i hope he or she is gonna be more stupid or more human.

Tell us your most beautiful dream or the worst nightmare you had?

My most beautiful dream, i watched Nietzsche dancing. My worst nightmare, Lyon a french city….no music…no art….just cash and convictions rules… in a colony.

If you could dress a famous person to your personal taste who would you pick and how would you dress that person?

Justin Bieber in Angela Merkel underwear. Macron the new French president dressed in officer Stalline clothes.

Do you see dancing shadows at night that whisper melodies in your ear?

No sorry, no dancing shadows but sleepwalkers, walking on Rozz his voices….have to talk to my doctor called Nietzsche.

Interview by Sophi Katz